Legal notice
Legal notice for the site
The website ("the Site") is published by the company INTERSPORT SERVICES, SARL with capital of 15,245 Euros, recorded in the EVRY Trade and Companies Register under the numbers:
SIRET: 322 193 335 000 13
RCS: Evry B 322 193 335
VAT identification number: FR 43 332 193 335
Registered office:
2, rue Victor Hugo
91164 LONGJUMEAU Cedex
Phone: 01 69 10 82 00
Publication Director:
Mr. Philippe Muhr
131 Boulevard de Sébastopol,
75002 Paris
Tél. : 01 40 09 30 00
I - Collection of data by
You will find our new personal data policy on this page.
II - Cookies
Our site uses internal and third-party cookies to improve navigation and content. They are also used to provide us with information on how the site is used in order to ensure that it is kept up to date, relevant and bug-free. The majority of cookies used on our site are essential for its operation. These cookies can improve performance and provide additional functionalities.<:p>
Others enable better targeting to improve your user experience. For example, they collect your browsing habits in order to better target the content offered.
Advertising cookies collect information about you in order to display advertising tailored to your interests on the brand's site and on third-party sites. In some cases, accepting these cookies involves sending your personal data (your surname, first name, postal address, telephone number and email address) hashed in SHA256 to ensure confidentiality. If you deactivate these cookies, you may see less relevant advertising.
For more information on how your personal data is processed, please consult our privacy policy and our policy on the use of cookies.
You have several options for managing cookies. You can express and modify your wishes regarding cookies at any time via the "Help" section of your browser's toolbar. This will tell you how to refuse new cookies, obtain a message informing you that you have received them or how to deactivate them.
You can also delete cookies manually.
For Internet Explorer™: open the "Tools" menu, then select "Internet Options"; click on the "Confidentiality" tab, then the "Advanced" tab choose the desired level or follow this link:
For Firefox™: open the "Tools" menu, then select "Options"; click on the "Privacy" tab then choose the desired options or follow this link:
For Chrome™: open the settings menu (spanner logo), then select "Options"; click on "Advanced options" then in the "Privacy" section, click on "Content settings", and choose the desired options or follow the following link:
For Safari™: choose "Safari > Preferences" then click on "Security"; in the "Accept cookies" section choose the desired options or follow this link:
For Opera™: open the "Tools" or "Settings" menu, then select "Delete private data"; click on the "Detailed options" tab, then choose the options you want or follow this link:
Find out more about CNIL's advice on blocking third-party cookies:
You can also change your preferences at any time by going to the "Cookies Settings" at the bottom of the page on our Site.
To find out more, please consult our policy on the use of cookies.
III - Complaints
For any and all complaints, please contact our Customer Services department via the phone number (+33) 09 69 32 18 19, or by post at: INTERSPORT SERVICES - Customer Service, 2 Rue Victor Hugo, 91160 LONGJUMEAU.
In accordance with Consumer Code article L.612-1, the vendor INTERSPORT offers their Internet customers - for any unresolved dispute in store or in any way engaged in Intersport’s customer service department, relating to the sale of products or the provision of service to which they might need use of a mediator.
To exercise this right, customers are advised to contact the Mediator of Consumption Mediation of Cooperative and Associated Commerce (MCCA) by electronic means via:, or by post at the address: Médiateur du Commerce Coopératif et Associé - FCA - 77, rue de Lourmel 75015 - Paris.
Recourse to the ombudsman is offered free of charge.
Once referred to the Mediator, their office shall check whether the request falls within the scope of admissibility of consumer mediation, and will upon this decision, can therefore act on the admissibility or inadmissibility of the case.
In the event of inadmissibility, the Mediator will inform the Internet user or customer of the denial of the claim within 3 weeks of receiving the complete file. The offices' decision is final and not subject to appeal.
In the event of admissibility, the Mediator delivers will qualify their opinion in the same manner, within 3 months.
This opinion is not binding on INTERSPORT nor the Internet user, who both retain the right to go to settlement of the dispute through the French courts.
For more information on this procedure, please visit: